Learn Swimming For Beginners With These 5 Easy Steps

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Submitted by: Jeremy Drake

If you want to learn swimming but don t know how to start, this article will be perfect for you. Just follow the steps below and in no time you will be moving around the water like you never did before.

Step 1# Learn swimming by not fearing the wate

First of all you must learn not to fear the water. People that fear the water will not be able to swim at all because their mind will freeze and forgot everything they had learnt. Those fears can be cause by small things such as water going into their eyes or big things such as drowning in the water.

The best ways to overcome those fears is by exposing your face to the water more frequently. This can be done by asking someone to splash a bucket of water into your face or just take the courage and jump into a swimming pool that is not too deep for you.


Step 2# Learn swimming by relaxing your body

The second step is to learn how to relax your body. Our body are mostly made out of water and logically it should be quite easy to float. Of cause our body mass is still heavier than water and as a result we still sink if we don t know how to swim. It gets even worst when our body tense up. That is why those safe guards will ask a person to relax when rescuing them.

For swimming is no different, you must learn to loosen up your body if you want to learn swimming. Mostly this is related to fear as we tend to tense up when we are fearful. The best way to do this is by believing in yourself that you will float and asking your friend to balance your body in the water.

Step 3# Learn swimming by knowing how to breathe

The next part is learning how to breathe when you are in the water. The basic steps are breath in when your head is above the water and breathe out when you head is in the water. Many beginners tend to make the mistakes of breathing in and out when their head is above the water and hold their breath when in the water. This is not only wrong but will tire you quickly as well because you are not taking in enough oxygen.

A simple way to practice this is by standing in the swimming pool with your head above the water. Then breathe in and go into the water. Once you are in the water breathe out and raise above the water. Do this repeatedly to make yourself familiar with it.

Step 4# Learn swimming by kicking in the wate

After you had learnt breathing it is time to learn how to kick in the water. You can do it by holding at the edge of the swimming pool and start kicking. Kick in a way like you are flipping and you should be able to float your whole body in the water. This part should not be too hard if you just want to float but doing a proper kick will take some practice.

Step 5# Put it all together and swim

Once you had done all the steps above it is time to combine them all and start swimming. This will be the hardest part for anyone that learn swimming for the first time because you got to get all the steps above right. You must swing your arms and kick your legs without the fear or water and at the same time breathe correctly. Do all that right and congratulations you are swimming.

About the Author: Visit my site for more tips to be a better swimmer today by improving your swim technique and get a free E-report at




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